
The Mystery of the True Vine: Meditations for a Month is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Mystery of the True Vine, written for young adults, contains 31 meditations on the Parable of the Vine. As Murray writes in the Preface, “I feel as if there is not a passage in God’s Word in which our union to Christ Jesus, with its call to entire consecration, its privilege of unbounding joy, much fruitfulness, and prevailing prayer, is put with equal clearness or force. And I have felt...

works.” This absolute dependence had as its blessed counterpart the most blessed confidence that He had nothing to fear: the Father could not disappoint Him. With such a Husbandman as His Father, He could enter death and the grave. He could trust God to raise Him up. All that Christ is and has, He has, not in Himself, but from the Father. My Father is the Husbandman. That is as blessedly true for us as for Christ. Christ is about to teach His disciples about their being Branches. Before He ever uses
Pages 22–23